Goodbye to footy's most famous mullet

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 05 Mei 2013 | 20.11

Taylor Walker and his famed mullet. Source: adelaidenow

TAYLOR Walker is set to shave off his famous mullet - and he couldn't be happier.

The injured Crows forward vowed to shave off AFL's most-talked-about hairstyle if he could raise $50,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation.

Walker reached that figure at about 6pm tonight - less than three days after launching the fundraising campaign.

"Wow!!! What an effort ... I am so thankful for the donations and support!! #unbelievable #kindhearts #soproud," Walker tweeted.

 Walker will undergo knee surgery tomorrow - an injury that will keep him out of the game for 12 months - and his immediate focus will be on his recovery.

Crows spokeswoman Jill Moss said she was unsure when Walker would shave his famous locks but it would "definitely" be on Nine's The Footy Show.

"It's an amazing response ... and it just shows what a popular person he is both on the field but also off the field. It's a wonderful result," she said.

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